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 Capt. Samuel Cherry's Company,

 Light Infantry,

2nd New Hampshire Regiment



Links, Sutlers, and Resources

Favorite Sutlers:

A wide range of historically accurate items, also one of the best sources for reproduction cloth (Kochan & Phillips Wool), buttons (cast from originals), linen thread, buttonhole thread, and much more.

Best, most affordable source for wooden canteens.

Top quality 18th century glass reproductions, particularly for mallet bottles.

Top Quality source for a variety of custom made thread buttons, commonly used in civilian clothing.

Best source for 17th-18th century clay pipes. Made in England and copied from originals found in the Themes River.

Excellent Source for wool, linen and other fabric, sewing supplies, patterns, buttons, etc.

Excellent Source for wool, linen and other fabric, sewing supplies, patterns, buttons, etc.

Also the best source for civilian neck cloths / handkerchiefs.

Top quality Colonial-era shoes, made in NH

Good, affordable source for shoes.

Source for quality reproductions of personal and household items (fishing gear, cards, dice, horn accessories, etc.) 

Best source for period-correct stockings, also affordable, and a good source for a variety of knit caps or patterns.

Good, affordable source for stockings, knit caps and mittens, also men's linen shirts and other items. Made in NH.

Source for quality blankets. *Note: the all white, and white with stripes blankets are best .

Good source for accurately made civilian clothing.

Good, affordable source for glass bottles, personal items and other hardware.

Good, affordable source for military and civilian muskets.

Historical Resources

Top resource for images and extant examples of 18th century items from virtually every aspect of life in that era: clothing, personal items, culture, civilian and military life. Very informative and enlightening.

Historical blog which posts and reviews a wide range of 17th and 18th century paintings, portraits and sketches. Usually focusing on period depictions of everyday scenes and settings, in which the material items and clothing in the scenes and on the figures can be examined.

Historical blog which posts and reviews 18th century recipes and cooking or preserving techniques. Many recipes are adapted for modern kitchens, though links to the original cookbook recipes often posted.

Resource website of the Don Troiani artifact collection and paintings. One category allows you to browse all of Troiani's historical prints, and one gallery is images of his historical artifacts by era, including one section of 19th century photographs of Rev War battlefield sites.


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